Saturday, 9 January 2010

Friday 9th January 2010

Buenos Aires. We got up late. This is the door to our hotel rooms. For some reason we have a doublr romm and two singles. Luckily there is air conditioning to keep us cool.
In the Plaza de Mayo there is a camp for Falklands veterans. There is still a lot of feeling about this, though a lot of young men died to save the Junta of General Galtieri.

The Casa Rosada, which is the equivalent of No 10 in England, and the place from where the Perons made their speeches.

The former Docks is a big regeneration project - lined with swanky restaurants, offices etc, in the style of Greenwich, Liverpool, Cardiff Bay, Barcelona, Valencia etc. This is a boat that was used to explore Antartica.

Swinging Bridge

More views of the docks

The must have signature bridge - Puente de la Mujer

It is also a swing bridge

Another boat

Even the pigeons sunbathe

The twenty lane main street which runs through BA

A late night beer - about 1 am

Friday, 8 January 2010

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Tuesday 5th January 2010

Today we went to Cerro Tronador to see a black glaciar. The road up to the glaciar is rough and narrow, so they operate a one way system. Between 10.30 and 2 you go go up. After 4 pm you can come down.

The road rises up alongside Lago Miscardi, which is very deep blue.

Despite it being a narrow road a bus driver hassled us to go faster. We let him through and he then held us up all the way. He evn stopped and blocked the road so his passengers could take photos.

It is 31 km to the top and it took nearly two hours!

The black glaciar is black because of the moraine.

The glaciar was surrounded by dark volcanic cliffs with waterfalls. It says in the guidebook it is like Yosemite, but neither of us has ever been there.

We then went for a stroll to a blue river. We saw two hares charging down the path - too quick for a photo.

We also saw some strange things growing in trees such as fungus and old man's beard.

There were revolving stiles.

The bridge was a bit wonky.

Kevin driving the car over a wooden bridge.