After yeserday's ultra long day, we woke up feeling like we had done 15 rounds. So we decided to have a quiet day in the garden, reading and uploading photos. Unfortunately the internet in the hotel was playing up and we couldn't get photos to upload, and then we lost a whole chunk of text.
Exasperated we headed in to town for a late lunch. It was deserted. No taxis, shops shut and a few foreigners like us wandering about.
Many of the restaurants were also closed but the good restaurant we visited a few nights ago was open.
We took a table on the pavement and were bemused that the restaurant had its own security guard who we surrepticiously tried to photograph.
Smartly dressed groups walked by, many carrying beautiful displays of roses and gladioli.
We passed a few hours just watching the world go by and eavesdropping on other people's conversation. Bliss.
Exasperated we headed in to town for a late lunch. It was deserted. No taxis, shops shut and a few foreigners like us wandering about.
Many of the restaurants were also closed but the good restaurant we visited a few nights ago was open.
We took a table on the pavement and were bemused that the restaurant had its own security guard who we surrepticiously tried to photograph.
Smartly dressed groups walked by, many carrying beautiful displays of roses and gladioli.
We passed a few hours just watching the world go by and eavesdropping on other people's conversation. Bliss.
It was the same here,Prayssac was completely deserted which was great for doing our video.